Becoming an Increasingly Better Person

Know someone who’s been complaining lately of feeling misunderstood, judged, or even avoided? Do they seem to think that nobody likes them and that the world is just unfair? Do you sometimes find yourself wondering why you’re still friends with them? Well…perhaps there are things they’re doing that contribute to making a mess of their […]

“Sometimes you just need someone to reinforce common sense on a regular basis.” –Cindy Fabico, MA, NCC, LMHC

Recently, I had the opportunity to sit and talk with Cindy Fabico, MA, NCC, LMHC about her approach to individual and couples counseling at her practice, Life Skills Resource Group in Orlando. I must admit that I was the only one sitting, as Cindy was so enthusiastic about her role as a therapist that she […]


Right now it is hard to not know that Valentine’s day is around the corner. The commercials on TV focus on happy couples receiving gifts. Radio ads ask you to buy the person you love flowers. You may hear your friends at work talking about their plans for Valentine’s day dinner. While it is supposed […]


Isn’t it amazing that the first month of 2010 is almost at its end? Many of us may have made, and even broken New Year’s resolutions by this point. We decided that we would “eat healthier”, “go to the gym every day” or “find the love of our life”. However, just making resolutions is not […]