Who are we? What is truly important? Why are we here?

The unexamined life is not worth living. -Socrates The Greek philosopher Socrates was willing to die for the right to ask insightful questions. While we don’t have to make that kind of choice today, we still have a lot of questions about our lives that we may need help in answering… Are my kids turning […]

Angry Kids + Summer = No Fun

As any parent can attest, children often find it difficult to regulate their emotions, especially when it comes to anger. As they are learning (through personal experience and guidance from adults) to control their behavior by using healthy coping skills to deal with their emotions, they can experience some major bumps in the road. Often […]


Although the weather is still chilly, it is nearly March!What have you accomplished since January? Have some of your resolutions been neglected or forgotten? Spring is a time of new beginnings and the perfect time to speak to one of the Orlando life coaches or therapists at Life Skills Resource Group! Spring cleaning is not […]

EFT: The Emotional Freedom Technique

I have been Mental Health Counselor now for 7 years with my primary focus on Marriage and Relationship Counseling and Life Coaching here in Orlando, Florida.  For a long time I have felt I didn’t have an effective tool to work with my clients who were experiencing anxiety, depression, pain, anger, and panic.  I have […]