20 Easy Tips to Help You Recenter Yourself During the Holidays

With the holiday season amidst, it can be easy for us to feel preoccupied, rushed, and worried.

It’s almost ironic how this time of year is supposed to be the most relaxing yet, for many of us, it can end up being the polar opposite.

Racing thoughts and last minute shopping can really take a toll on you! “Did I remember to exchange that gift for Mark? Did I even remember to get that shirt for Martha? What was I supposed to bring to the New Years party?!

Sound familiar? I’m sure it does. Because, although the holidays are about coming together and spending time with each other, they are also about bringing something to the table. Be it gifts, food, or just good old-fashioned company.

Many of us tend to travel during this time of year as well. This can be a stressful time because we are stepping outside of our daily routines and readjusting our day-to-day patterns and habits to those that better suit our holiday plans.

So, what can we do to help alleviate some of that stress that we so often feel during this time of year? I have put together a list of some “Holiday Tips” compiled from a few different sources, along with my own personal input:

20 easy tips to help you recenter yourself during the holidays

1. Hike your mood with sunlight
2. Do less, enjoy more
3. Stick with your daily routine
4. Accept your feelings & reach out
5. Set aside differences
6. Stick to a budget
7. Think about yourself, too
8. Don’t neglect whatever cracks you up
9. Forget perfection
10. Don’t fully abandon healthy habits
11. Seek professional help if you feel as if you need it
12. Don’t worry about how things should be
13. Don’t overdo it
14. Go tech-free
15. Eat breakfast before you tank up on coffee
16. Fit in exercise
17. Don’t over-schedule
18. Remember to enjoy yourself
19. Remind yourself what the holidays are really about
20. Relax.
(25 Ways to Fight Holiday Stress, Stress Management, Home for the Holidays)

So, what about you? What helps you remain calm and centered during this time of year with all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays?


-Virginia Johnson


Are you struggling with remaining calm during the holidays, or would like some guidance with maintaining your focus, enjoying what you have or are you just interested in talking to someone about things going on in your life because you simply feel that you do not as you should? Sometimes having a partner in your journey can help. Give us a call  to set up a free phone consultation at Life Skills Resource Group Orlando at 407-355-7378, and one of our Orlando Individual Counselors, Orlando Life Coaches, Orlando Teen Counselors, and Orlando Child counselors would be more than happy to help you, a family member, or a friend work on changing your life.
