Birthdays and Vampires

So, it’s your birthday? It’s my birthday, too, yeah (couldn’t resist). Getting older is a drag, isn’t it? Well, I say, “No.” I like the me I am today…much better than the person I was ten or even twenty five years ago, which raises an interesting question. Do we change that much over time? I […]

Parents, Did Ya Know?

Don’t you wish you knew what makes your teen tick? Wouldn’t you love to be the parent who knows exactly what to say and do in any crisis situation? Can you even imagine the luxury of knowing that your children are perfectly well adjusted, happy and wanting for nothing? Let’s face it; it’s VERY DIFFICULT […]

Why do we need a marriage counselor?

  At Life Skills Resource Group in Orlando, we have two counselors to choose from who focus their skills on healing broken marriages; Cindy Fabico, MA, LMHC and Amanda Persaud, MS, Registered Marriage and Family Therapist Intern. We know that finding the right therapist to suit your needs can almost be as difficult and confusing […]

I Lovingly Take Charge of My Food Now

And when you crush an apple with your teeth, say to it in your heart, “Your seeds shall live in my body, And the buds of your tomorrow shall blossom in my heart, And your fragrance shall be my breath,       And together we shall rejoice through all the seasons.” -from Kalil Gibran’s […]