It’s All About Them

Everyone knows one. They’re selfish, mean, arrogant, greedy, critical, explosive, needy and oh-so-charming (did I mention arrogant?). Worst of all, they’re often quite attractive and very intelligent. They’re the charismatic life of the party, who makes everyone within the sound of their voice feel special, important, alive. As the nursery rhyme says, “When they’re good, […]

Why Ask Why?

Often I have clients ask me why people do things (to them) that are bad; or “Why do bad things happen to good people?” In other words, they want to know why someone has intentionally lied to, cheated on, stolen from, or hurt them in one form or another. With the economic crisis such as […]

The Emperor Needs to Admit He’s Not Always Right

I have to say that my all time favorite story when I was a little kid was The Emperor’s New Clothes, not Where the Wild Things Are or The Cat in the Hat. I suppose it had something to do with the fact that when I was very small, nudity made me giggle. Mostly, I […]

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Five years ago I completely, absolutely, extremely, spectacularly totaled my precious little 2000 Volkswagen Beetle. I spun it out on the Universal exit ramp from I-4. It was an unusually foggy morning and my tires lost traction on the extremely slick and curvy ramp. When my car first started fish-tailing, I thought, “It’s going to […]