Love Languages: How do you communicate?

On holidays or on birthday’s do you find yourself disappointed at the end of the day? Is it from the lack of gifts and cards? Did you only receive verbal “Happy ____”? For some, receiving gifts, symbols, or signs is what means most to them. Maybe it is materialistic, but each person has their own […]

Turning a crappy childhood into a gift

Was your childhood not a typical childhood in your eyes? Was it bad or maybe even crappy? You are not alone, even though sometimes it may feel like you are. Throughout our society and media, pictures of happy families with both parents in the picture are seen as the norm and what is expected of everyone. […]

Child-Centered Play Therapy (CCPT)

This past Sunday, February 1st, marked the beginning of National Play Therapy Week which runs Feb. 1 – Feb. 7. This week, I have been posting information about what play therapy is, along with resources to learn more. For this week’s blog I decided to speak with Jessica Carmean, one of our counselors in the […]