F YMonth: August 28, 2015

We all make mistakes

Mistakes happen. We all make them, it is part of what makes us human. How you react and respond to mistakes is something that shows your character. It is common for many of us to instantly begin to beat ourselves up over our mistakes, fixating on the lack of perfectionism. But is this truly a […]

Do you have whole-body wellness?

I’m sure many of you are asking “what exactly is wellness?” People have explained the concept of wellness in many different ways, but the underlining idea is always the same. SAMHSA defines wellness as “the presence of purpose in life, active involvement in satisfying work and play, a healthy body and living environment, joyful relationships, and happiness.” Basically, […]

What do you need to live your best life?

Recently, I have felt as though I have been in a rut and am in need of some change in my life. The problem is that I am unsure of what needs change and where to start. I also don’t really know if changing something in my life will fix this feeling of being stagnant. […]

Amy’s High School Teen Group starting this September!

Navigating your way through high school: It can be done!!!!  A Support Group for High School Students Due to special request by my high school clients I have decided to offer a group focusing on self-esteem, relationships, stress management, and other topics pertinent to those entering or currently attending high school.  High school and the transition […]