Making More Out of Work in 2016

As 2015 and the Holiday season are just about over this signifies a time for change within the upcoming New Year. Regardless of whether or not you plan on making changes in your overall life, there is always room to enjoy our jobs a little more. This is especially true due not feeling too excited about getting back into […]

Letting Go for 2016

The end of the year is upon us. This is a scary thought, but it also can be quite exhilarating. Think about it, with the beginning of a new year you will have new memories to create, new experiences, maybe new friends or a new job… but ultimately, you will have a full year of […]

Reducing the Holiday Stress

Last week’s blog talked about trying to express gratitude during the holidays, which typically elicit high stress. This week I thought it would be fitting to discuss how we can not only express gratitude, but also reduce stress we’r experiencing. Regardless of whether the stress is due to the holiday season or just due to […]

Having Gratitude During the Holidays.

It’s officially December. You have made it to the last month of the year and the peak of the Holiday season! December can be a stressful, hectic, tiring month, but it is also a very rewarding month filled with family, friends, and love. However, often times our perception gets clouded due to high stress we […]