Practicing Gratitude

  As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I am an avid quote “searcher”. I LOVE exploring different means and sources to find that one quote that really resonates with me and gets me to think about things on a deeper level. The other day I ended up stumbling upon one that really hit […]

Practicing Mindfulness for a Happier You!

  In life, it is inevitable for us not to have “one of those days“. It’s just something we accept as part of being a human! But, sometimes, we don’t feel like we’re just having “one of those days”, but more like one of those weeks, or months, or YEARS, etc. Be it because of a […]


  Last week, Cindy Fabico (co-owner of Life Skills Resource Group), referred me to a Psychology Today article titled, “It’s Not All About You!” by Carlin Flora. Cindy suggested that I read it because she was so impressed and enlightened by its message, that she felt compelled to share it with others. I have to admit, […]

April: Counseling Awareness Month

Since April is National Counseling Awareness month, I thought it would be nice to dedicate one of our blogs to all of the work that counselor’s do for individuals, and the community as a whole. According to the NCDA (2011) a counselor/ client relationship is one that provides, “a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, […]


What is friendship? According to a basic google search, it is a noun meaning, “the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends”. Some synonyms for “friendship” are: close relationship, mutual attachment, bond, tie, link, and union.  Although this definitely would be considered a definition of friendship- to me it seems a little […]