Let Your Passions Be Yours !

  Have you ever noticed how easy it is to be hard on yourself? Even that sentence itself sounds like an oxymoron, right? Maybe it sounds like one, because in a perfect world, it would be. But, as we all know, life isn’t always perfect; and neither are we. But the most important thing to […]


    You would think that it would be devastating when you are rejected for the very things that you perceive are your biggest flaws. It wasn’t. The blessing is that, once we get through the disappointment, anger, and pain, if we are willing to look at the truth of the situation, we will find […]

Committment Confusion

We are slowly approaching that time of year again where the weather begins to get a little cooler. And, for some reason, when the whether seems to drop so do a lot of people’s reluctance to commit! If you believe in the foundational principles of Darwinism, then it’s safe to assume that this may be […]

The Truth About Anxiety

With living in such a fast passed, “go, go, go” world, it’s no surprise that so many of us deal with some higher levels of anxiety. Many things can bring us a sense of stress, overwhelming pressure, and anxiety. One person’s reasoning for these feelings of panic does not have to coincide with another’s, and […]