F YMonth: October 25, 2019

Living in Uncertainty

The fear, anxiety and uncertainty that we are experiencing as a nation right now is our greatest challenge –physically, financially, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  Many are living in a state of uncertainty about their health, safety, wealth and future well being.  In life we have basically two psychological ways of responding: reactive or responsive.  The […]

Fall Back to Move Forward

“The Sage is occupied with the unspoken and acts without effort. Teaching without verbosity, producing without possessing, creating without regard to result, claiming nothing, the Sage has nothing to lose.” – Tao Tê Ching When you boil it all down, we as humans desire the same three things no matter who we are, where we […]

Do You Find Yourself Trapped in Being “Nice” or “Too Nice”?

For those who don’t know, I spend a lot of time working with men and women who have experienced trauma – both singular traumatic events, prolonged toxic relationships, recurrent abuses, and lack of atunement with caregivers during early childhood. Inevitably part of our work focuses on helping them re–establish boundaries that have been lost, or […]

Life Skills Resource Group Welcomes Elena Sledge!

Hi, my name is Elena Sledge and I am excited to be working with Life Skills Resource Group! My journey to becoming a therapist really started when I first became a client at age 19. In college I began to see how much others around me were suffering. Life felt confusing and complicated and depressing […]