It’s so easy to feel down on ourselves or beat ourselves up for something that doesn’t go as well as planned. Whether you were shooting for the moon and landed among the stars (so you’re able to remind yourself to feel good about where you got) or feel like you missed the entire galaxy, a shift in perspective can still help.
What perspective do we want to take instead? Give this a try: mistakes are a part of life. Not only are they understandable, but they give us an opportunity to learn and grow which we might not have figured out without the mistake! On top of that, for us to make a mistake means we’re trying, and both our effort and willingness to try show vulnerability, which is scary, but once again, a big opportunity to grow and (now, through vulnerability) to connect with others.
Now, I know your brain might be saying sure, sure, some mistakes are a part of life, but this mistake, no. This mistake is too big! Well, how would you help someone you care about who made this same type of big mistake? If you wouldn’t consider it so critical or important, or would, but still wouldn’t beat them up, then consider giving yourself the same treatment. With people we care about it is easier to see that mistakes aren’t fatal and that it is ok to learn and try again. So, I know this isn’t easy, and here’s a way to help yourself. Put your hands over your heart, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and tell yourself again: mistakes are a part of life. First I take care of myself (and make amends if I hurt someone), and then I can choose to learn and grow.
If you could use help dealing with past mistakes or building new way of responding to yourself, please give us a call at Life Skills Resource Group 407-355-7378. Our Orlando mental health counselors would love to help you find a new way.