In this time of harsh realities, polarizing themes and political opinions, and conflict in seemingly every corner of modern life, finding love is perhaps more important than ever before. What does the image […]
Development tools for a better you
In this time of harsh realities, polarizing themes and political opinions, and conflict in seemingly every corner of modern life, finding love is perhaps more important than ever before. What does the image […]
“Know thyself.” It is such a simple, two-word sentence, but with infinite range and potential meaning. Have you ever said something like, “A part of me wants to do this or that” or “A part of me feels like…”? We all have multiple, perhaps infinite parts of ourselves, and I don’t mean in a multiple […]
“You grow up the day you have the first real laugh – at yourself.” -Ethel Barrymore So, you fell for it – hook, line and sinker. You made a fool of yourself. You fell short of expectations and have not maintained the image that makes you superior to all others. You feel so embarrassed that […]
Brené Brown studies vulnerability and courage, authenticity and shame. She has published a few books on these topics, most notably The Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly. Rising Strong – a powerful book about falling, learning, getting up, and doing it all over again – is not her most recent book, but it’s one I […]
Toxic relationships are defined as ones that often leave you feeling used, taken advantage of and angry not only at the abuser but also at yourself for allowing the abuse to take place. At some point you begin recognizing the patterns of abuse and toxicity and you may choose to walk away from these […]
When I decided I wanted to share a list of affirmations, Louise Hay was the first person who came to mind. Louise dedicated most of her life teaching others how to live a full and empowered life. She believed the use of daily positive affirmations could create a more full and happy life. I […]
Most of us have high expectations of both ourselves and others. This is not always a bad thing. We set goals, we make plans, we want to be successful people as it relates to family, relationships, and money. But oftentimes, how we react to a different outcome of an expectation we had of ourselves can […]
What is friendship? According to a basic google search, it is a noun meaning, “the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends”. Some synonyms for “friendship” are: close relationship, mutual attachment, bond, tie, link, and union. Although this definitely would be considered a definition of friendship- to me it seems a little […]