Getting Out of Being Stuck

By Dr. Darlene Treese LPC, LMFT Confidence, like art, never comes from having all the answers;  it comes from being open to all the questions. ~ Earl Gray Stevens Think for a moment about those places where you are “stuck”.  Allow yourself to fully experience the uncertainty, the feeling of overwhelm or “not having all the […]

The 2020 Limbo (and how to bend yourself healthfully and shimmy under the pole)

Yes, this is a play on words since “limbo” is both a state of uncertain waiting AND a Caribbean group dance/game that encourages bending your body to clear the obstacle, (in this case the Limbo pole) testing your ability to bend backwards without falling, while being cheered and encouraged by the other participants. That last […]

🙏🏻 How do you set up your day???

Having a set of daily practices to prepare for what life presents can have a miraculous effect on our capacity for life mastery.  8 Daily Practices for overall well-being 1. Make a commitment to faithfully dedicate at least 60 days to formulate & consistently execute a set of of daily practice connecting you to your […]

What does a balloon have to do with a #relationship?

In my work with couples as a #marriageandfamilytherapist I seek to create visual representations for my clients. One of my faves is asking my couples to consider the idea that their relationship is like a balloon and that each of them are responsible to keep this balloon well inflated. How can we keep this metaphorical […]

The Difference Between Confidence and Arrogance

“The fragile line between confidence and arrogance is humility.” -Norman E. Bowie & Meg Schneider, Business Ethics for Dummies There’s been a lot of focus lately on confidence and self-esteem – and confusion blurring the lines of confidence and bullying.  I’ve always promoted self-confidence and self-awareness as being essential to authenticity.  When you know who […]

Assessing Yourself, Professionally

“Where are you professionally strong and talented?” I just read this question in a workbook I’m currently going though. And oof, I don’t know how to answer it. I find most of us struggle to talk about our professional skills and accomplishments. Most of us want to feel like we have purpose and we want […]

When Nothing is Truly Something

My husband and I recently had the opportunity to see the new Christopher Robin movie which centers on the Winnie the Pooh stories with which many of us grew up. It was incredibly sweet, nostalgic, and a wonderful reminder of some of life’s most important lessons! If you haven’t yet seen it, I can’t recommend […]

Be True to You

Be True to You… Asserting yourself is more about speaking your truth and less about how your audience chooses to respond… Many times we are in situations that require us to take a position. Sometimes we may feel a certain way, but are not aware of exactly what we are feeling. The first step to […]


  When I decided I wanted to share a list of affirmations, Louise Hay was the first person who came to mind. Louise dedicated most of her life teaching others how to live a full and empowered life. She believed the use of daily positive affirmations could create a more full and happy life. I […]

Why We Love the Outdoors!

Who doesn’t love the outdoors? With activities like the Winter Park Art Festival happening this weekend, the Food and Wine Festival at Bush Gardens going on until the end of April and hundreds of local hiking trails it’s hard to find a reason to not go outside. Here is a list of 11 scientific benefits […]

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