Saying YES to Things That Scare Us

  Saying YES (and also No, when necessary).   You may recognize the name Shonda Rhimes as the creator of the shows Greys Anatomy and Scandal. A few years ago, she wrote a book, “Year of Yes: How To Dance It Out, Stand In The Sun, and Be Your Own Person.” She talks about how […]

Controlling Anxiety By Cultivating Inner Calm

    In this current climate of political unrest, public outrage, violence, natural disasters and the like, it is hard not to feel the turbulence within our psyches and our emotions.  We are inundated with immediate news, as our technology allows instant documenting and reporting of some heinous incident or another.  All day long, we […]

Take the power away from absorbed anxiety with facts!

Absorbed Anxiety. Did you know this exists? Well, it does. Think about when you go to the airport. If you are anything like me, you walk in and are relaxed and excited about your trip. Everything seems normal, then, all of a sudden, worry you will be late or miss your plane consumes you even though […]