Birthdays and other milestones of life

This week was my birthday (it was lovely, thank you!) and it got me thinking. I decided to do some research on the psychology of birthdays.  I read about feeling grateful on birthdays, how birthdays can motivate us, how we can get “the birthday blues“, and making birthday wishes.  I read commentary on how our […]

Happy Mother’s Day

Did you have a fun childhood? You know, the kind where every day seemed like Christmas or the Fourth of July? Did your parents make you feel like you were the best kid who ever lived and that one day you were going to change the world, write the great American novel, or at least […]

Birthdays and Vampires

So, it’s your birthday? It’s my birthday, too, yeah (couldn’t resist). Getting older is a drag, isn’t it? Well, I say, “No.” I like the me I am today…much better than the person I was ten or even twenty five years ago, which raises an interesting question. Do we change that much over time? I […]