Strategies to Minimize Sugar Intake After Halloween

You know what job is really the stinks? The Candy Police. You know what’s worse? The emotional roller coaster of a kid high on a sugar rush. Parents, I don’t want to take the fun out of Halloween altogether but I am saying that moderation is the key. We all know that our children do […]

School Refusal in Children

Children have a tendency, every once in a while, to not want to go to school. School is not often thought of as an enjoyable experience and more often associated with work. This is normal part of development if it doesn’t occur frequently, if it doesn’t cause your child extreme distress, or cause chaos in […]

Conquering Nightmares in Children

It’s common for children and some adolescents to have nightmares. They are a natural part of children’s development encompassing a mixture of imagination and the realization that there are things in the world that are intended to cause harm to them. Nightmares or night terrors can make the bedtime routine chaotic to say the least. […]

What parents should know about play therapy

Your child or adolescent may participate in play therapy as a part of therapy at Life Skills Resource Group.  Play therapy might involve building, books, arts and crafts, puppets,  figurines, board games, or pretend games like house, restaurant, doctor, or dress-up.  Play therapy might look a lot like just playing, so it is reasonable to […]