Enter the cave: get uncomfortable to get what you want

Every once in awhile it seems there’s something (a quote, a photo, an article, something a friend says…) that strikes you just right and sticks with you. Today I’d like to write about one of those things. Every week I hang a quote of the week in our waiting area. A few months ago I found […]

How do we make change that lasts?

So, you want to make a New Year’s resolution? You want to make a change in your life? Everyone’s statistics are different, but we know that most New Year’s resolutions don’t happen. Why? Making change is difficult! This week’s blog is going to try to make it easier for you! Last week we talked about […]

Making change: What do you want to add and subtract in 2014?

This busy time of year we’re not only preparing for the holidays, we’re also preparing for the end of 2013, and that means we’re preparing for the beginning of the New Year, 2014! The wonderful thing about a new year is a new start, the feeling that we have a clean slate and can make changes, […]

“You can do anything, but not everything.” And not all at once!

I don’t know about you, but life is busy! When you’re trying to balance work, school, relationships, family, friends, running, eating well, (insert your own activities here…), and, what? Taking care of myself?  Uff. It is difficult to know which way to turn! It is difficult to feel like I’m doing a good job! Where […]

Music for your life: When it is tough to believe in love

In continuing our series Music for Your Life, today I have a sweet song for you. It is called First Day of My Life and is by Bright Eyes. What makes this song so sweet, in my mind, isn’t necessarily the words, though they’re sweet too. What is so wonderful about this song is the […]

Music for our lives: When you need hope

Today I’m thinking of the song Winding Road by Bonnie Somerville. You may remember it from the movie Garden State (an awesome movie and one of the best movie soundtracks I know!). Don’t know it and you’re saying to yourself “I don’t know that song, so I’m not going to listen”? Well, I have two […]

Music for your life

How do you feel about music? Do you have a favorite type of music? Is the music you listen to when you’re happy different from the music you listen to when you’re sad? Do you use music to relax? Although we may not think of it very often, music is very important to us as […]

Acceptance: Because we can’t change the past

This post about acceptance has been rankling around in my brain for weeks now. Funny, because I think that’s kind of what happens when we need to accept something (it takes time and isn’t quite what we expect). Recently I posted about perception and promised a post on how to change your perception. I think […]

How to be goofy: 101 ways

Yesterday I talked about the importance of goofiness, silliness, and joy in the post “Sometimes, when you’re a kid, you just have to be kind of goofy!” Remember, the point was that goofiness is NOT just for kids! Today, I wanted to take that a little further. Why? Do you know how to be goofy? […]

When you don’t know what to do, communicate

I didn’t expect to write this blog today. I planned to write about running. Sometimes life doesn’t fit in with our plans. Today life re-taught me a lesson. And sometimes, when we don’t expect it, life does that. Since it is so fresh for me, I’m going to share my lesson. Maybe you will be […]

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