Letting Go for 2016

The end of the year is upon us. This is a scary thought, but it also can be quite exhilarating. Think about it, with the beginning of a new year you will have new memories to create, new experiences, maybe new friends or a new job… but ultimately, you will have a full year of […]

Having Gratitude During the Holidays.

It’s officially December. You have made it to the last month of the year and the peak of the Holiday season! December can be a stressful, hectic, tiring month, but it is also a very rewarding month filled with family, friends, and love. However, often times our perception gets clouded due to high stress we […]

Boost your happiness and positivity

A friend recently asked me, “What’s the worst habit you’ve overcome?” “Besides eating chocolate for breakfast?” I joked. “That would be complaining.” I used to be an incessant complainer. When I was growing up, my mother blamed everything under the sun for not completing something or doing it wrong. Living with a parent who has a bad […]

Recovering from a bad day or week

Ever have one of those off weeks were you just want to press fast forward until the weekend is here? I am sure we have all have experienced this feeling before (maybe you experience this more than just once). This past week has been one of those weeks for me – all week long has […]

Do you have whole-body wellness?

I’m sure many of you are asking “what exactly is wellness?” People have explained the concept of wellness in many different ways, but the underlining idea is always the same. SAMHSA defines wellness as “the presence of purpose in life, active involvement in satisfying work and play, a healthy body and living environment, joyful relationships, and happiness.” Basically, […]

10 Therapy Myths That Are Just Totally WRONG (As Written By A Therapist)

Yesterday I stumbled across this great article on Huffington Post, “10 Therapy Myths That Are Just Totally WRONG (As Written By A Therapist)” by Danielle Adinolfi. Rather than trying to recreate the same article, I figured I would use her article as the blog for this week. Danielle does an amazing job at countering many of […]

How to use your vision board

            With our Vision Board Workshops finally here, we wanted to talk about how to use your vision board once it is made! Many of you may know what a vision board is, and how to create one. However, even after you have created your vision for your year, it […]

Ring in the New Year with a new routine

  Now that 2014 is officially over and the new year has begun,  everyone (well maybe not every one) is beginning to start the road towards accomplishing their new year’s resolutions. But should our new years resolutions be about making these drastic changes that we feel will make our lives better or should we tweak things that […]

Bring both self-care and self-love in your life for 2015

Self-Care and Self-Love are concepts that many of you might have heard before. You may even believe that these are one in the same – they both reflect focusing on yourself and monitoring how you treat yourself in terms of caring for and loving unconditionally. But are these two concept really the same thing? Or […]

Staying Mindful during the Holidays

Now that school is winding down for the year – students are finishing up with their finals – and the holidays grow nearer, it is important to remember to stay present during the holidays and to not focus on all of the other things that are not currently going on. This past Tuesday was the end […]

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