Help, My Marriage is in Trouble!

This week Cindy Fabico, founder of Life Skills Resource Group discusses the 4 signs that one or both partners  are withdrawing from the relationship and how seeing a trained marriage counseling professional can restore the connection that feels like it has been lost. At Life Skills Resource Group, we have three Orlando marriage counselors who focus […]

Recovering from a bad day or week

Ever have one of those off weeks were you just want to press fast forward until the weekend is here? I am sure we have all have experienced this feeling before (maybe you experience this more than just once). This past week has been one of those weeks for me – all week long has […]

Welcoming Krista back!

  I am so extremely honored to be rejoining Life Skills Resource Group as a counselor, specifically a Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern! Cindy Fabico, Amy Smith, Risa Bos, Kelli Skorman, and Jessica Carmean have been mentors, teachers, and friends as I completed my graduate program at the top-ten nationally-ranked University of Central Florida, and […]

The Process of How You Change

This quote from Proschaska, Norcross and DiClemente’s book “Changing For Good” speaks words to what the process of change looks like for individuals – it is all based upon timing. In their book, the authors explain a six-stage change process that allows individuals to overcome bad habits. Krista even wrote a blog on these 6 […]

Learning to love yourself

When I first joined LSRG, I wrote a blog about Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign, “Are you too critical of your body image?” Basically this campaign showed how harshly we criticize ourselves and our looks. In my blog I spoke about how we often describe ourselves in a more negative way than those around us, even […]

Improving communication in your relationships

Whether you are romantically involved, family or friends with someone, you have a relationship and can experience conflict at times. Even if conflict may be uncomfortable, especially with a friend, how you communicate during the conflict is what matters most – you want to effectively communicate with the other person to avoid unnecessary conflict There […]

Love Languages: How do you communicate?

On holidays or on birthday’s do you find yourself disappointed at the end of the day? Is it from the lack of gifts and cards? Did you only receive verbal “Happy ____”? For some, receiving gifts, symbols, or signs is what means most to them. Maybe it is materialistic, but each person has their own […]

On the road to happiness, one step at a time.

This week it seems that MindBodyGreen has published a surplus of articles all relating back to happiness. The first article that I came across was by Shannon Kaiser on “20 Signs You’re Happier Than You Give Yourself Credit For.” This sparked my interest right away, as I have  found that I describe myself as unhappy […]

Need to slow down? Here’s how and why.

We all have had those days, weeks, months, years even for some, where we just feel like we are running around doing everything all day and without having a chance to breathe. This can be a result of work, relationships, school or just life (or a combination of it all)! This is how my last […]

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