Unusual Tools

“The things which hurt, instruct.” -Benjamin Franklin So, I’m reading this fantastic book called The Tools: Transform Your Problems Into Courage, Confidence and Creativity by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels. But I hope you don’t read it, because then you wouldn’t need me. No, I’m kidding. Read this book. It’s about tapping into that part […]

Who are we? What is truly important? Why are we here?

The unexamined life is not worth living. -Socrates The Greek philosopher Socrates was willing to die for the right to ask insightful questions. While we don’t have to make that kind of choice today, we still have a lot of questions about our lives that we may need help in answering… Are my kids turning […]

How to Avoid Caregiver Burnout (and what to do if you have it)

“Sometimes the one who has been there for everyone else needs someone to be there for them.” Are you a caregiver for someone who has a mental or physical illness or disability? There are many types of caregivers: parents, spouses, siblings, grandparents, teachers, nurses, counselors, etc. So often, people who are in caregiver roles devote […]

Can’t Cope with Traumatic Stress Any Longer?

I recently came across a book that is so powerful that I had to write a blog about it. It’s called, It’s OK Not to be OK… Right Now (with the subtitle, “How to Live through a Traumatic Experience”), by Mark D. Lerner, Ph.D. Somehow, just the title of this book tends to cause my clients […]

Explaining Asperger Syndrome to Everyone You Know, Including Your Kid with AS

Oftentimes children with Asperger Syndrome (AS) are aware of their diagnosis from a very young age, yet they have very little understanding of what that actually means for them or how it makes them different from neurotypical children. Most therapeutic interventions for kids with AS focus on behavior modification, sensory processing and social skills, with […]

Becoming an Increasingly Better Person

Know someone who’s been complaining lately of feeling misunderstood, judged, or even avoided? Do they seem to think that nobody likes them and that the world is just unfair? Do you sometimes find yourself wondering why you’re still friends with them? Well…perhaps there are things they’re doing that contribute to making a mess of their […]

White to Black and Back Again

“Yes, I’ve been black, but when I come back, you’ll know, know, know.” -Amy Winehouse Attention: If you haven’t seen Breaking Bad (all the way to the cliffhanger with Hank on the toilet); major spoiler alert! There are Good people, Bad people and Middle people, according to a ten year old friend of mine I […]

Get Rid of the Distortion

Is your brain full of noise? Do you feel like there is so much junk floating around up there that you can’t have a clear thought? Maybe you need to do some mental housekeeping to sweep away the psychic debris that tends to accumulate over time. How? Well, first you need to identify what exactly […]

Depression: Has it crept up on you?

As many of us are living an “austere” lifestyle right now- financially, emotionally, and spiritually; it can be hard to remember when times were good. You may have lost sight of what it was like to not feel worried, afraid, stressed, confused, lonely and/or lost. You may suspect that nobody wants to hear you talk […]

When a Loved One Comes Out

How should you react if someone you love (a parent, child, spouse, sibling or friend) comes out to you as being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender? Well, no matter how much of a shock it may be to you, you should try to listen, without interruption, until they are done saying what they have to […]

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