What grieving can tell us about everyday life AKA how to avoid avoiding

Krista Bringley-Cain, Orlando Licensed Mental Health Counselor, presents a way to think about what you do with your time that also helps you decide when an action meant to be useful has become avoidance! There’s a theory of grieving called the Dual Process Model that basically says that when someone is experiencing grief they need to go through the feelings […]

Introducing Daniel Garner-Quintero, Our Newest Counselor!

  Hello, My name is Daniel Garner-Quintero and I am beyond excited and humbled to be joining the Life Skills Resource Group Team! I am hoping what follows here will serve as an introduction to myself and my work! Mental health is a field in which I have always been interested and becoming a therapist […]

Messages to yourself

Have you ever found something you’d previously written, done, or created and realized you’d found it at just the right moment or suddenly had a whole new perspective on it? Have you ever shocked yourself with your own previous knowledge or understanding? Messages from ourselves can come in a return (I love Buddha Doodles!) Let […]