This Thing Called Love

by Dr. Dar Relishing perfect times. People seem friendlier. Colors are brighter. Food tastes better. The world is transformed to a shimmering newness. Experiencing an improved self-image. Enjoying more energy and enthusiasm and optimism and playfulness. Ahhhh, yes. The joy of romantic attraction and falling in love! What causes the rush of good feeling that […]

Becoming an Increasingly Better Person

Know someone who’s been complaining lately of feeling misunderstood, judged, or even avoided? Do they seem to think that nobody likes them and that the world is just unfair? Do you sometimes find yourself wondering why you’re still friends with them? Well…perhaps there are things they’re doing that contribute to making a mess of their […]

Are you a candidate for group therapy?

Thinking about group therapy? Maybe your therapist has suggested that you would be a good candidate for group therapy. Perhaps you’ve been in a support group in the past and have some idea of how groups work. Or, does your understanding of group therapy come solely from seeing movies like 28 Days with Sandra Bullock, […]

Do You Have a Borderline Parent?

Do you feel like you can never make a decision? Do you think that you can’t handle things yourself? Do you believe you’re flawed, unworthy? Does the thought of loving yourself sound ridiculous, vain, selfish? Do you anticipate that life just isn’t going to be good, no matter what you do? Do you find yourself […]

Happy Mother’s Day

Did you have a fun childhood? You know, the kind where every day seemed like Christmas or the Fourth of July? Did your parents make you feel like you were the best kid who ever lived and that one day you were going to change the world, write the great American novel, or at least […]

Why Ask Why?

Often I have clients ask me why people do things (to them) that are bad; or “Why do bad things happen to good people?” In other words, they want to know why someone has intentionally lied to, cheated on, stolen from, or hurt them in one form or another. With the economic crisis such as […]

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Five years ago I completely, absolutely, extremely, spectacularly totaled my precious little 2000 Volkswagen Beetle. I spun it out on the Universal exit ramp from I-4. It was an unusually foggy morning and my tires lost traction on the extremely slick and curvy ramp. When my car first started fish-tailing, I thought, “It’s going to […]

Choose to Get What You Need

Ok, so for the last couple of weeks I’ve been completely in love with Dr. William Glasser’s book entitled Take Charge of Your Life: How to Get What You Need with Choice Theory Psychology (2011). The front cover contains this quote by Dr. Phil McGraw (yes, Dr. Phil); “This book is a ‘game changer’ for […]

Happiness Quotient

Recently at LSRG someone told us about the web app called Illuum (, and we decided to check it out. Turns out, the app is pretty simple. As the homepage states, “Illuum is a new web app to track, study and improve your happiness…It gets you out of your head and shows you things you […]

Does Valentine’s Day inevitably turn into “Fight Day” with your Special Someone? And does Hallmark make a card for that?

Since it’s the week of Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d write a blog about Dr. Gary Chapman’s excellent book, The Five Love Languages. Originally published in 1992, this book of enduring value is simple, practical and readily applicable to loving relationships… So, each year in February the media outlets are polluted with commentary about how […]

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