Getting Out of Being Stuck

“Confidence, like art, never comes from having all the answers;  it comes from being open to all the questions.” -Earl Gray Stevens Think for a moment about those places where you are “stuck”.  Allow yourself to fully experience the uncertainty, the feeling of overwhelm or “not having all the information”, and the fear and doubt […]

Self-Love and The Choice We All Have to Make

    I’ve never really fit in. Not since I was very little. I grew up in a very Christian, Conservative town—raised Jewish, for starters. As soon as I entered the first grade, it was made very clear to me that I was an “other.” The customs, values and traditions that I treasured, identified with and […]

Social Media and Mental Health

Social media is an incredibly powerful tool for some very positive efforts, such as: connecting, story-telling, crowdfunding and other “social” movements that move society in a positive direction. However, much like other powerful tools, it can be a double-edged sword. With fire we can cook, weld and keep ourselves warm in the cold. We can […]

Fend for Yourself Fridays

  Have you ever wanted to just check out as a parent and take the night off? Wanted the kids to take care of themselves even if just for a few hours? Well, now you can! If your kid is old enough to make their own sandwich or use the microwave, I encourage you to […]

Be a Friend to Yourself

Most of us have high expectations of both ourselves and others. This is not always a bad thing. We set goals, we make plans, we want to be successful people as it relates to family, relationships, and money. But oftentimes, how we react to a different outcome of an expectation we had of ourselves can […]

A Deep Need for Women’s Self-Care

Self-care can be the one thing missing in so many women’s lives. This week Tracy Rickard, Orlando Women’s Stress-Reset Wellness Coach explains how authentic understanding can be the key to reaching your health and happiness goals.    I want to share something truly connected to my heart today. Since being on my own journey, and hearing […]

Love the Skin You’re in

  I’m sure that each and every one of us has insecurities; we are typically our own toughest critics, after all.   But when a “flaw” you see in yourself becomes an obsession, that’s when we may want to take a step back and really analyze what’s going on. Why does that thing about who […]

Tips For a Healthier, Happier You!

  Piggy-backing off of the topic I chose to write about last week… I’d like go a little more in-depth about learning how to live your life for yourself, and ways to allow yourself to be happy. Sometimes it’s just not enough to simply go through the motions- I don’t really know anyone who enjoys feeling like they’re […]

Learning to Live and Do What You Love

Recently, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what’s most important to me in life. You may think that sounds a bit strange, or wonder, “how can you not know what is important to you?”; but please, allow me to explain. Sometimes in life, we as humans get so caught up in doing the […]

Bring both self-care and self-love in your life for 2015

Self-Care and Self-Love are concepts that many of you might have heard before. You may even believe that these are one in the same – they both reflect focusing on yourself and monitoring how you treat yourself in terms of caring for and loving unconditionally. But are these two concept really the same thing? Or […]

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