Why I started my own blog and launched my own website?
As many of you know I am one of the proud co-owners of Life Skills Resource Group. Cindy Fabico and I have spent years curating a practice that brings a wide array of mental health and life coaching services to our community. We are thankful for the licensed counselors and certified life coaches who work in our office and contribute to our good standing in the community. Our goal has always been to link counseling to those who want it in our community and I feel we have been able to accomplish this at Life Skills Resource Group.
While I am thankful for Life Skills Resource Group, I have also wanted a way to directly connect with my clients, as well as future clients and the community at large. I wanted a place that acts as a hub where I could post articles, podcasts, blogs, books and other information I feel would be useful. I wanted a place that truly reflects the work I do and who I am as a counselor. It is my hope that amyvsmith.com will be just that, a hub of information that reflects who I am as a counselor and provides useful information.
I also plan to send out a quarterly newsletter highlighting the blog topics, quarterly recommendations and other information. If you are interested in signing up for the newsletter you can do so on the website. Just scroll down on either the home page or contact page and you will see a place to sign up. The first newsletter will be sent out soon.
I am so excited to offer these new services and look forward to sharing them with you. Who knows maybe I will even get back on social media, or start a video series. The future is wide open. I thank you sincerely for your trust in me and continued support of my practice!