Child Parent Relationship (C-P-R) Training Group

What is it?  How can I learn more? Next Training


Sign Up for Jessica’s CPR Training to learn ways to improve your child-parent relationship(s).

I have been working with children and families in some capacity for the past 10 years. My current position is that of a certified play therapist so I regularly confront the challenges faced by many parents. My clients often express to me feelings of tension and frustration when their children misbehave. They are desperate for answers and reassurance along their journey.

While I have found that play therapy can be extremely beneficial it is not the all inclusive solution. I’m privileged to spend on average an hour a week with my clients providing them with a safe, authentic, and positive environment; however in order to achieve lasting change this dynamic must be developed within the home. This is where Child Parent Relationship (C-P-R) Training begins to bridge the gap between therapy and relationship.


What is it?

Child Parent Relationship Training is a research based model developed by Dr. Garry Landreth and Sue Bratton. Child Parent Relationship Training is an 8 week course that teaches parents how to use some of the skills that specialized therapists use with children who are experiencing social, emotional, or behavioral issues. CPRT helps you to build a different kind of relationship with your child, and your child will learn that they are capable, important, understood, and accepted as they are. How your child feels about themselves will make a significant impact on their behavior.


Child Relationship Training can help parents to:

  • Understand their child’s worries and other feelings more fully
  • Learn new skills for encouraging co-operation from their children
  • Enjoy playing with their children and giving them positive attention
  • Increase their listening skills and develop open communication with their children
  • Develop self confidence as parents
  • Become more able to trust their children
  • Deal in new ways with frustrations in family life

Next Training: I’m excited to be leading the next training session beginning in September! I hope to see you there, and as always, safe travels on your journey!

To Sign Up Contact: Jessica Carmean, MS,
Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern – IMH #11932
Certificate of Play Therapy

Phone: 904-372-8853            E-mail: [email protected]

 Where: Life Skills Resource Group: 6068 S. Apopka Vineland Rd, Suite 11, Orlando Fl 32819

When: (September 13th – November 1st) Saturdays from 9-10am.

 Who: Parents of children ages 3-12 years old.

Why: We believe that implementing the values and structure of CPRT to meet the needs of parents will bring healing, laughter, and hope into strained or troubled relationships!

Rates: Total cost for 8 week training including any materials needed.

Pastries, Juice, and good company included!

Individuals: $240    Couples: $360

If you are interested in learning more about Child Parent Relationship Training,  please feel free to give us a call at (407)355-7378. If you are interested in Orlando Child Counseling, Orlando Teen Counseling, or Orlando Family Counseling, do not hesitate to call us at Life Skills Resource Group Orlando and Amy Smith and Jessica Carmean would be happy to schedule you a free phone consultation.



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