Amy Smith, MA, Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern

Amy Smith, MA, Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern

My name is Amy Smith and I am a new counselor here at Life Skills Resource Group. I have been working in the mental health field for the past eight years, traveling from one side of Orlando to the other meeting with families and individuals in their homes.When you are invited into another person’s home you learn many wonderful things about that person and their family, which can be beneficial to the counseling process as well as to you as a counselor.Not to mention, you really learn your way around Orlando.

One thing that I learned as a counselor on the road in Orlando is that people are generally good and they have the best of intentions when it comes to their families. But good intentions do not always produce good results. Often, people just need a bit of guidance, new ideas, support, and above all, hope. When a family has given up hope in their ability to make progress toward their wants, needs, and goals, it is a great opportunity to seek help from an experienced counselor. When a child, individual, parent, or family has lost hope, the counselor can be entrusted with the task of re-establishing hope and inspiring the family to believe that positive change can take place.

A quote I came across recently by counselor Rabbi Shmuley says it best, “The real purpose of counseling a family [couple, child, individual] is not to point out right and wrong, but to inspire them to choose the right and reject the wrong”. A family without hope has no inspiration. Without inspiration, a family has little chance of making the right choices that will result in meaningful and positive change. Hope alone won’t solve the problem, but it’s a great place to start.

The Orlando counselors and life coaches at Life Skills Resource Group have made a commitment to help individuals, couples, children, adolescents, and families regain hope and make positive healthy changes in their lives and would be honored to help you and your family. Please read about OUR TEAM here at Life Skills Resource Group in Orlando and become familiar with the counselors and life coaches who are willing to help you on your journey.  Phone consultations are always FREE.

To read more about: Amy Smith
To contact: [email protected]
Phone: 407.435.1509

Amy Smith

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