“The significant problems we face can never be solved at the level of thinking that created them.” -Albert Einstein
The fear, anxiety and uncertainty that we are experiencing as a nation right now is our greatest challenge –physically, financially, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Many are living in a state of uncertainty about their health, safety, wealth and future well being.
In life we have basically two psychological ways of responding: reactive or responsive. The reactive way causes stress. We feel pressured and are quick to judge others. We lose perspective and take things personally. We’re annoyed, bothered and frustrated. We are quick to make decisions that we often regret. We annoy other people and bring out the worst in them. We are overly critical and too overwhelmed to see answers and solutions.
The responsive way means that we keep our bearings, that we see the bigger picture and are more flexible and calmer. We bring out the best in others and solve problems gracefully. We open our minds to bigger possibilities that create win-win answers.
In dealing with the turmoil in the world there are specific things you can do to create peace in your life and in your thoughts. Whatever you put your attention on will expand and the thoughts we consistently hold and energize with emotion will become our reality. Even though we may be in perilous times, we have the power to change and rise above circumstances if we do not give in to panic. We have fallen into the “sensationalism of the worse case scenario” promoted by the media. This fuels alarm and dismay on an individual level, which then becomes our group consciousness. Instead of hysteria, how much time are you willing to spend to wage all out peace and prosperity? Instead of holding your breath and waiting for “something” to happen, what can you do to actively create good in your life and in the lives of others?
With people that you disagree with (whether it be the president, family member or co-worker), know that you do not have to agree with them, but by harboring anger you are creating an embattled mentality that will hold you at war with them. Visualize a win-win outcome, even though you do not know how it will happen. Focus on the results you really want. Terrorists and tyrants feed on negative emotional energy, so withdraw your energy and hold the thoughts and emotion of them losing all power over you and others. In the words of Gandhi, “When in despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won; there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall.”
Life is too short to worry it away. When thinking about the challenges we are facing, realize that only good can come from it. Imagine science implementing alternative fuels that raise the quality of life. Hold thoughts of new prosperity, of all the world’s children growing up safe and cared for, of all calls for hatred to go unanswered and ignored. Life is not your enemy, but your thinking can be. Your world is shaped by the thoughts you choose to focus on the most. You have the power to change your reactions, expectations, and outlook, and in doing so, you change the world.
Need to lighten up and let go of stress, tension, depression, fear and regrets? Dr. Dar Treese offers individual assistance to get and stay on track, overcome adversity or find your passion. She has been in private practice in hypnosis, coaching, counseling and consulting for over 30 years. Dr. Dar has been internationally acknowledged for her positive action and solution-based techniques with individuals, groups and corporations.
“A person for the people,” Dr. Dar is always available to help you get a grip on life, health and happiness to take that next step forward in creating the life you truly desire. She now offers telephone and email sessions to accommodate your busy schedule and allow you to do the sessions in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Office visits are also available two weekends per month. These sessions fill very quickly so call to schedule your time slot today.
Life is too short to be unhappy and the answers and clarity you seek may be only a phone call or mouse click away.
Call Dr. Dar today at 407-278-1598 or email her at [email protected] or visit her website – www.AskDrTreese.com.