Does your mind come up with some crazy thoughts?  And unexpected or surprising feelings seem to come out of thin air?  Ever felt confused about who you are and where you are going?  OMG, let me tell you about a group that’s especially for you!  It’s in orlando and it is a life coaching group for teenage girls.  So what’s life coaching…it’s about discovering who you are, your goals, and how to best achieve them.  It’s about developing good self-esteem that will lead to developing the courage to try new things, discovering the power to believe in yourself, and forming the confidence the make healthy choices now and in the future.

Here’s the deal – the group is for girls ages 13 through 17.  It will meet on Wednesday afternoons from 1pm to 2:30pm beginning June 17th through August 5th and only cost $10 each time you come.  The facilitators are Karen Walsh, Life Coach, and Carma Kuhn, Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern.

For more information or to register for the group, call Karen at 407-797-4557 or email at coachk.walsh@gmail.com OR call Carma at 321-251-8344 or email at carma@carmakuhncounseling.com



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