Being The April Fool: The Fine Art of Saving Face

“You grow up the day you have the first real laugh – at yourself.” -Ethel Barrymore So, you fell for it – hook, line and sinker.  You made a fool of yourself.  You fell short of expectations and have not maintained the image that makes you superior to all others.  You feel so embarrassed that […]

What Does Progress Look Like?

What does progress look like? Well, it is messy, very messy. Are you sure you want to see it? Most of us are not so sure that we do – because some part of us knows that the path to get there may not be as “glorious” as the end goal.   We all think […]

How do we make change that lasts?

So, you want to make a New Year’s resolution? You want to make a change in your life? Everyone’s statistics are different, but we know that most New Year’s resolutions don’t happen. Why? Making change is difficult! This week’s blog is going to try to make it easier for you! Last week we talked about […]