The importance of ritual: Creating your own closure

What do you think of when you think of ritual?  I think of ceremonies:  weddings, funerals, graduations, inductions, baptisms, etc.  I bet some think of religion.  I bet others think of fraternities and sororities.  What else? But those aren’t the only things that can be ritual.  Some people have a “going to bed” ritual that […]

Tragedy, grief, loss, and compassion

I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t address the events in Boston in this week’s blog, and yet I’m concerned that we’re all a little overloaded with news, and maybe it would be better to take a step back. I don’t know what is best.  But I do know this: as a human […]

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Five years ago I completely, absolutely, extremely, spectacularly totaled my precious little 2000 Volkswagen Beetle. I spun it out on the Universal exit ramp from I-4. It was an unusually foggy morning and my tires lost traction on the extremely slick and curvy ramp. When my car first started fish-tailing, I thought, “It’s going to […]

Why we need The Walking Dead

Be forewarned: I’m probably not the first person to think of these things, but I still hope you’ll find it interesting. The Walking Dead (or TWD) is my favorite show on tv, followed closely by Breaking Bad and Mad Men. As I watched the recent season finale, I wondered why it strikes such a cord […]