Bullying: 4 types and how to prevent and overcome it

Bullying is not a new topic, and it will probably never be a forgotten one either. Whether you are 5, 13, or 35, you have most likely experience some sort of bullying and may still experience it later in your life. You may also have children, or are planning on having them, and will have […]

Improving communication in your relationships

Whether you are romantically involved, family or friends with someone, you have a relationship and can experience conflict at times. Even if conflict may be uncomfortable, especially with a friend, how you communicate during the conflict is what matters most – you want to effectively communicate with the other person to avoid unnecessary conflict There […]

Love Languages: How do you communicate?

On holidays or on birthday’s do you find yourself disappointed at the end of the day? Is it from the lack of gifts and cards? Did you only receive verbal “Happy ____”? For some, receiving gifts, symbols, or signs is what means most to them. Maybe it is materialistic, but each person has their own […]

Turning a crappy childhood into a gift

Was your childhood not a typical childhood in your eyes? Was it bad or maybe even crappy? You are not alone, even though sometimes it may feel like you are. Throughout our society and media, pictures of happy families with both parents in the picture are seen as the norm and what is expected of everyone. […]

On the road to happiness, one step at a time.

This week it seems that MindBodyGreen has published a surplus of articles all relating back to happiness. The first article that I came across was by Shannon Kaiser on “20 Signs You’re Happier Than You Give Yourself Credit For.” This sparked my interest right away, as I have  found that I describe myself as unhappy […]

Changing the way we perceive victims of domestic abuse.

  Surrounding the media this week has been talks of NFL player Ray Rice and the video of him hitting, and knocking out, his fiancé, Janay Palmer. Non-stop talk from everyone about their opinions of his actions, his punishment from the NFL, as well as domestic violence in general has been circling the media. Janay, Rice’s […]

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