How Do You Balance School and Work?

A sizeable portion of college students need to work full-time to make ends meet. Most people who work full-time while attending college strive to find an equilibrium in their lives to achieve career and educational goals while maintaining a social life. Splitting your attention between the demands of full-time job and a college education isn’t […]

What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? Robert H. Schuller

I love this question. It’s a one sentence plot synopsis of the movie Forrest Gump. It makes me think of a very long list of possibilities. It makes me stop thinking of all the reasons why not to do something. It lays bare the essence of human existence: infinite potential to be made manifest through […]

Everyone wants to succeed…Well, yes and no.

The following is adapted from the wonderful book Self Creation, by Dr. George Weinberg. Dr. Weinberg is a Psychotherapist practicing in New York, with a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University. He has written twelve books and is published in twenty-three languages. He has also written for popular and professional journals, and for television. Dr. Weinberg is known for […]