Why We Love the Outdoors!

Who doesn’t love the outdoors? With activities like the Winter Park Art Festival happening this weekend, the Food and Wine Festival at Bush Gardens going on until the end of April and hundreds of local hiking trails it’s hard to find a reason to not go outside. Here is a list of 11 scientific benefits […]

The “Joy Index”

The “Joy Index” My colleague Heidi Behr at Feel Peace Now is currently offering her popular e-course, “Not Your Mom’s Lent 2.0,” an interfaith practice course that welcomes time for reflection and offers wisdom and teachings from various spiritual traditions. One of her messages last week was about engaging in a practice of turning inward […]

Have you ever been seen (not just looked at)?

    Have you ever been seen (not just looked at)?   All of us have been looked at but have we all been seen? To look at something only involves directing one’s eyes toward an object. To see means to grasp something of the inner meaning of a reality. Seeing engages an interior awareness […]

Introducing Daniel Garner-Quintero, Our Newest Counselor!

  Hello, My name is Daniel Garner-Quintero and I am beyond excited and humbled to be joining the Life Skills Resource Group Team! I am hoping what follows here will serve as an introduction to myself and my work! Mental health is a field in which I have always been interested and becoming a therapist […]

A Broader Perspective on Love for Valentine’s

Licensed Mental Health Counselor   In the midst of this flurry of Valentine’s activity: store shelves bulging with heart-shaped candy boxes, flowers being feverishly snatched up as soon as they’re restocked, desperate attempts to get just the right dinner reservation in order to communicate “specialness” to someone, my mind is boggled by the superficiality of […]

Sensory Processing Sensitivity in Children

  Sensory Processing sensitivity in children Sensory Processing Disorder is a term used to describe individuals that are oversensitive or under sensitive to sensory input in their environment, although not listed in the DSM it is widely recognized among specialist. Having a child who develops symptoms of SPD can be challenging and often confusing to […]

How to decide if a thought is useful

Krista Jean Bringley, MA Licensed Mental Health Counselor   How to decide if a thought is useful Did you know that not all thoughts are useful? I bet that right off the bat you thought “of course, I have completely random thoughts all the time, and I know that they are just thoughts flitting by!” […]

What is Emotional Dysregulation?

  What is emotional dysregulation? As a counselor I am often asked by clients, “Why am I all of the sudden so tired?”  Parents wonder what the heck is going on when their child starts crawling on the floor, jumping on the couch, or acting in a way that may seem out of the norm […]

A Fresh Start

Juliana Ochoa, MA, LMHC   A Fresh Start January 1st sounds like a good date to mark the beginning of New Me. We recognize this date as an important day, and it makes sense–  Goodbye Last Year, Hello New Year! Out with the old, in with the new. This is not a bad thing; in […]

Gratitude Attitude

  Gratitude Attitude The holidays are upon us and for many that means activities are in full swing. This is also the season for gift giving. Kids are excited and making their wish lists, but what happens when their gifts are unattainable? Santa may not have that in the budget this year, or mom and […]

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