A Deep Need for Women’s Self-Care

Self-care can be the one thing missing in so many women’s lives. This week Tracy Rickard, Orlando Women’s Stress-Reset Wellness Coach explains how authentic understanding can be the key to reaching your health and happiness goals.    I want to share something truly connected to my heart today. Since being on my own journey, and hearing […]

Bring both self-care and self-love in your life for 2015

Self-Care and Self-Love are concepts that many of you might have heard before. You may even believe that these are one in the same – they both reflect focusing on yourself and monitoring how you treat yourself in terms of caring for and loving unconditionally. But are these two concept really the same thing? Or […]

Life Really Can Be A Party

It has been a month since I posted. This is not because I have lacked inspiration, I feel inspired daily to share what I learn from the amazing clients and friends who grace my life. My issue has to do with time management. You see I am a playful spirit. While I have great intentions […]