Self-Love and The Choice We All Have to Make

    I’ve never really fit in. Not since I was very little. I grew up in a very Christian, Conservative town—raised Jewish, for starters. As soon as I entered the first grade, it was made very clear to me that I was an “other.” The customs, values and traditions that I treasured, identified with and […]

Social Media and Mental Health

Social media is an incredibly powerful tool for some very positive efforts, such as: connecting, story-telling, crowdfunding and other “social” movements that move society in a positive direction. However, much like other powerful tools, it can be a double-edged sword. With fire we can cook, weld and keep ourselves warm in the cold. We can […]

What grieving can tell us about everyday life AKA how to avoid avoiding

Krista Bringley-Cain, Orlando Licensed Mental Health Counselor, presents a way to think about what you do with your time that also helps you decide when an action meant to be useful has become avoidance! There’s a theory of grieving called the Dual Process Model that basically says that when someone is experiencing grief they need to go through the feelings […]

Self-Care is NOT Optional

  This past week my husband and I had some time off together, and I convinced him to carve out an hour of that time for a massage – it didn’t take a lot of arm twisting. I was long overdue for one, and the poor therapist almost immediately commented on the tension I was […]