Self-Love and The Choice We All Have to Make

    I’ve never really fit in. Not since I was very little. I grew up in a very Christian, Conservative town—raised Jewish, for starters. As soon as I entered the first grade, it was made very clear to me that I was an “other.” The customs, values and traditions that I treasured, identified with and […]

Social Media and Mental Health

Social media is an incredibly powerful tool for some very positive efforts, such as: connecting, story-telling, crowdfunding and other “social” movements that move society in a positive direction. However, much like other powerful tools, it can be a double-edged sword. With fire we can cook, weld and keep ourselves warm in the cold. We can […]

Love the Skin You’re in

  I’m sure that each and every one of us has insecurities; we are typically our own toughest critics, after all.   But when a “flaw” you see in yourself becomes an obsession, that’s when we may want to take a step back and really analyze what’s going on. Why does that thing about who […]

Has my relationship reached its expiration date?

In today’s world it can be hard to accept the end of a relationship. In a society where it seems like you MUST have a significant other to feel good about yourself, being single can seem like a total failure. But is it really a failure? Is an ended relationship truly a sign that you […]