Friday Book Review: Brené Brown

Brené Brown studies vulnerability and courage, authenticity and shame. She has published a few books on these topics, most notably The Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly. Rising Strong – a powerful book about falling, learning, getting up, and doing it all over again – is not her most recent book, but it’s one I […]

Toxic Relationships…Opportunities for Growth

  Toxic relationships are defined as ones that often leave you feeling used, taken advantage of and angry not only at the abuser but also at yourself for allowing the abuse to take place. At some point you begin recognizing the patterns of abuse and toxicity and you may choose to walk away from these […]

Accepting Your Authentic Self

Something that I often find myself doing is searching a plethora of different mediums for inspirational quotes. But, often times, the one’s I find to have the most impact on me are the one’s I stumble upon without even trying. It can be a lyric from a song I’m really listening to for the first time, a […]

Having trouble dating?

Dating isn’t always great. You don’t really know if the person is being honest, or at least not being totally honest. It can be an awkward and somewhat artificial situation loaded with the potential for disaster…or love. On a first date, you sit there listening to what they’re saying, thinking “please say something so wonderful […]

Have I Told You lately That I Love You?

Have I told you lately that I love you? Did you know that it is common for a client to fall in love with his therapist? Well, it is. Don’t worry, I’m not going to cite statistical averages, or use colorful metaphors about snowflakes, etc. But, I am going to tell you the truth, as […]

The Power of Vulnerability

I found this amazing talk on the Power of Vulnerability on, a website worth checking out.  If you have spare moment it is well worth your time and good to share with those you care about in your life.  Enjoy!! Cindy Brene_Brown_on_Vulnerability.html